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Assembly on 19th of September 2016
26/09/2016 • Yong Mun Zheng • Filed Under 文件存於 Assembly on 19th of September 2016 • 

On 19th of September 2016, an assembly was held in the school hall. The teacher-in-charge Mister Chen Siew Hong announced the result of interclass cleanliness competition.After that, our principal Mr Lau announced that 2 teachers were promoted and they were handed the new appointment letters. Next, medals were given to the winners of Kangaroo Maths Competition. The winners of poetry declamation competition, calligraphy competition and Chinese essay writing competition were also given certificates. Then, achievement of Brass Band emerging as the champion of marching competition were announced. Achievement of Youth Cadet who grabbed the third place in a marching competition and the Red Crescent Team emerging as the champion in District Marching Competition (NGO) were also announced along with the achievement of Youth Cadet. After that, the winners of a few competitions held with conjunction of Language Month Program were given medals. Before the end,Mdm Foo and Mr Lau both gave short speeches.
我校于2016年9月19日在本校礼堂进行周会。周会以国歌,周歌及Perak Excellent作为开幕。同学们唱完国歌后,值班老师—陈老师公布班级清洁比赛成绩。然后,刘瑞文校长颁发文凭给两位被提升的老师。接着大会颁发奖牌及奖状给在Kangaroo数学比赛获胜的同学。大会也颁发了奖状给在诗歌朗诵比赛,书法比赛和文学创作比赛的获胜者。之后,大会公布我校铜乐队在操步比赛荣获冠军。大会也公布了少军团荣获操步比赛第三名和红星月会于州际非政府组织操步比赛夺冠的消息。然后,大会派奖状给在语文比赛中获胜的同学。课外活动副校长胡美美以及刘瑞文校长上台致词。最后,同学们唱国歌,周会便圆满结束。
Sebuah perhimpunan telah dijalankan pada 19 September 2016. Perhimpunan ini dimulakan dengan nyanyian lagu Negaraku,lagu Perak and lagu Perak Excellent. Selepas itu, guru bertugas iaitu Encik Chen Siew Hong mengumumkan keputusan kebersihan kelas danpiala pusingan telah diberikan kepada kelas yang terbersih dalam minggu tersebut. Seterusnya,Encik Lau Swee Mun memberikan sijil kepada 2 orang guru yang dinaik pangkat. Setelah itu, piala diberikan kepada para pemenang pertandingan Mathematik Kangaroo. Sijil pun diberikan kepada pemenang bagi pertandingan deklamasi sajak, pertandingan kaligrafi dan pertandingan mengarang esei Bahasa Cina. Sesudahnya, pencapaian pasukan pancaragam iaitu mendapat juara dalam pertandingan kawad kaki , pencapaian Kadet Remaja Sekolah iaitu mendapat tempat ketiga dalam pertandingan kawad kaki pencapaian pasukan Bulan Sabit Merah mendapat juara dalam Pertandingan Kawad Kaki Daerah( NGO) telah diumumkan. Selepas itu, pemenang dalam pertandingan Bulan Bahasa turut diberi pingat. Penolong kanan Kokurikulum Puan Foo Mei Mei and pengetua sekolah Encik Lau Swee Mun memberi ucapan kepada para pelajar.Perhimpunan tamat dengan nyanyian lagu sekolah.
Photographer: Chew Jia Zheng
Resource By: Looi Zhan Quan