今天是阳历 2024 年 05 月 17 日 星期五 农历 四月月 初十 日


Merdeka Assembly (30/8/2007)
03/09/2007 • CHAI KOK LENG • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • 

       The Merdeka assembly begun with the singing of the national anthem and the school song by all teachers and students. This was followed with a speech by Mr.Hee, the senior assistant. Mr.Hee told us that this year's merdeka theme is to reach greater heights. He said that, as students, we must always be responsible, far-sighted, creative and innovative.

       This was followed with a speech by the education minister, read ti us by En.Kassim. The education ministyer states that the most important element in a country is racial intergration and harmony.

       The assembly continued with the students and teachers singing "Jalur Gemilang", "Keranamu Malaysia" and "Tanggal Tiga Puluh Satu". it ended with the entire school proclaiming 'Merdeka' for 3 times.

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Goh Siew Peng