今天是阳历 2024 年 05 月 17 日 星期五 农历 四月月 初十 日


Monday School Assembly (17/09/2007)
18/09/2007 • CHAI KOK LENG • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • 

       After singing our hearts out to the national anthem and the school song, prizes were given out for the modal classes of the year. In the form 3 category, the winning class was 3B1 while for the form 4 category, the prizes went to 4S1. L6F1 also emerged winners for the form 6 category. Prizes were also given to the winners of the banner-drawing competition that was organized in conjuction with Independance Day. First prize went to Tan Shin Yinn, Ng Yi Xia and Steven of L6F2.

       This was followed by a speech by Mr Steven Lai, who explained several incenties were arranged for the Jogathon Collection. For the class with the highest collection, a cash prize of RM200 will be awarded. Mr Phang Yoon MIng, our school principal also added that efforts are being made by government to help build the bridge across the road as such, our funds could be used for other building purposes.













 Thw winners were taking photo with Mr Steven Lai and our school principal. Mr Phang Yoon Meng.














The winners were so happy when they received the prizes.













Mr Steven Lai explained several incentives.

Posted by,

Goh Siew Peng