今天是阳历 2024 年 05 月 17 日 星期五 农历 四月月 初十 日


Talk on Further Studies
23/09/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • 

       MCA Perak organized a talk on further studies for Sam Tet students on 20th of September in the school hall. This talk was attended by all Form 5 and Lower 6 students.
       The facilitator, Mr. Lai instructed students on how to plan their further studies wisely. He also explained on topics to be taken, needed qualifications and everything a students needs to know about further studies. There was also a question and answer session where Mr. Lai answered various question raised by students. This two hours talk was a very educational experience for students.

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ming yee