今天是阳历 2024 年 05 月 17 日 星期五 农历 四月月 初十 日


Sam Tet School Jogathon 2007
29/10/2007 • CHAI KOK LENG • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • 


Our school organised a jogathon at Polo Ground on the 20th of October 2007. The purpose is to collect funds for the primary and secondary school.

       The chairman of the school board, Rev. Bro. Micheal Cheah gave a speech at 7.45am and conducted the opening ceremony. After that, Mr Liaw Yun Kheong, the STOBA president announced that we have collected RM169,000 while the primary collected RM161,000 for the jogathon. The jogathon started at 8.15am.

       After the jogathon, the MCA Ipoh Timur division head, Datuk Thong Fah Chong conducted the closing ceremony. This was followed by a prize-giving ceremony and a lucky draw. The jogathon ended at 10.30 am.