Co-Curriculum 课外活动 - Clubs & Societies 协会与俱乐部

Komputer News 新闻

Chairperson 主席: Teoh Tzi Qing
Secretary 秘书: Khoo Lay Bin
Treasurer 财政 : Ang Yi Jie


恒毅中学电脑学会,是本着恒中宏愿----”扎根本土,放眼全球”而成立。在这个全球化的时代,电脑的基本常识是不可或缺的。随着科技的发达,恒中电脑学会打算让会员们提升自身的电脑技术。在学会活动进行时,会员们将学习到如何使用Photoshop 软件来编辑图片及如何使用Sony Vegas或Audacity软件来剪辑影片及音乐。此外,会员们也可学习设计自己的部落格和网页以及制作全息影像。


Heng Ee High School Computer Club was set up in line with the school’s vision, “Local Roots and global outlook”. In the era of globalization, computer basic knowledge has become a necessity. With this in mind, the school computer club intends to equip the members with computer skills in line with IT development. Among the activities that are carried out are sharing of photo and image editing (Photoshop) software, video Editing (Sony Vegas),music editing (Audacity), blog and web designing and publishing and hologram pyramids.