Co-Curriculum 课外活动 - Clubs & Societies 协会与俱乐部

Persatuan Bahasa Inggeris News 新闻

Chairperson 主席: Loo Mei Xuan 吕美烜
Secretary 秘书: Heng Hui Ying 王荟莹
Treasurer 财政 : Leong Zhao Wills 梁兆伟


恒毅英文学会成立给那些既被激励又对学习英文有兴趣的学生。我们的学生举办趣味游戏,例如:拼字游戏,观看电影,生字比赛,呈现文章等, 使学习英文变得更有趣。通过这些活动可以使会员们的语言,书写,阅读和聆听能力,得以提升。拥有良好的英文表达基础可以加强会员的沟通技巧以便在未来的社会能学以致用。


Heng Ee English Language Society is a group consisting of motivated students who are passionate in learning the English Language. Our society organises interesting games such as scrabble, movie watching, word quizzes and essay presentations to make learning English fun. Members set out to improve their oral, writing, reading and listening skills through various activities carried out. Having a good command of the English language will improve the members communication skills in order for them to apply the language in the near future.