Co-Curriculum 课外活动 - Clubs & Societies 协会与俱乐部

School Choir News 新闻

Chairperson 主席: Chuah Yi Ye 蔡依烨
Secretary 秘书: Sandra Choo Qiao Rou 曹巧柔
Treasurer 财政 : Lim Yi Xuan 林钇萱


恒中合唱团创立于1994115日,以提升团员的音乐水平、培养团员对声乐的热忱及发掘歌唱潜能为宗旨。历经了多年的培育和灌溉,团员们的演唱水平日臻成熟。每一次参与演出和比赛,团员们皆抱着一贯的冀望,以精湛的歌唱台风与技巧, 演绎出艺术歌曲的精髓,有鉴于此得以让艺术歌曲发扬光大。


Heng Ee High School's choir is founded on the 15th of January, 1994. The purpose of the club's formation is to cultivate the musical ability of its members, to nurture seeds of passion towards the genre of vocal music and also to discover students' hidden talents. After years of nurturing, the club has improved by leaps and bounds. Whenever a performance or a competition approaches, the members of the school choir are always ready to go on stage to sing whole-heartedly with their melodious voice.