Co-Curriculum 课外活动 - Uniformed Groups 制服团体

Wushu Tao Lu News 新闻

Chairperson 主席: Ong Soon Hooi 王顺辉
Secretary 秘书: Oh Yi Ren 胡亦任
Treasurer 财政 : Lim Yuen Shii 林苑晰




Heng Ee Wushu Taolu was formed in 2016 by a group of students who have love and passion for ‘Wushu’. Our members hope to bring the Chinese Wushu to greater heights through each and every practice. Wushu Taolu is the physical manifestation of strength, beauty and elegance, where every practice trains not just the body, but also skill and teamwork, bringing the members closer to the true form of Chinese Wushu Taolu.