Co-Curriculum 课外活动 - Sports 体育

Bola Keranjang News 新闻

Chairperson 主席: Koay Chin Hean郭靖贤
Secretary 秘书: Vivian Leong Qian Xi 梁倩顼
Treasurer 财政 : Tan Sze Ning 陈思霖


恒中篮球队创立于1983年,篮球女队则创立于1993年。恒中篮球队以提升学生的篮球技能、培养学生对篮球运动的热忱及发掘学生的潜能为宗旨。历经了多年的培育和灌溉,队员的篮球技能日益渐佳。每一次的比赛,队员们皆抱着一贯的冀望,以高超的篮球技能与团队默契, 均能打进州际赛四强,有鉴于此得以让篮球运动发扬光大。


Heng Ee High School's basketball team is founded on the year 1983. The girls’ basketball team is founded on the year 1993. The purpose of the club's formation is to improve students’ basketball skills, to nurture seeds of passion towards basketball and also to discover students' hidden talents. After years of nurturing, the team has improved year by year. Whenever a competition approaches, the members of the school basketball team are always ready to face it with high morale.