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课外活动 Co-Curriculum - 协会与俱乐部 Clubs & Societies

Persatuan Seni Lukis 新闻 News

主席 Chairperson:
秘书 Secretary:
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Persatuan Pendidikan Seni Visual







     Penang Chinese Girls' High School Art Society was established to play a role in cultivating art lovers, and to provide a place where members can exchange art experiences with friends and improve their art attainments.


     The Art Society effectively allows group members to learn art without any pressure, and the teaching will not be too difficult to absorb due to the different levels, so even students with no foundation in art can participate. The courses of the Art Society include drawing classes, rattan weaving classes and watercolor classes. In addition, our group also regularly organizes group recreation and some more relaxed activities, such as making handicrafts and other activities to enhance cohesion among group members.


     The Art Society is a group full of artistic atmosphere. It is hoped that after the members receive a one-year course, the members can appreciate the beauty of art and be able to carry forward art and fill every corner of Central China with an artistic atmosphere. Our society welcomes all students who love art to join our society. Join our society and let us promote the prosperity of artistic creation and culture.