Any queries on student admission, results on goverment and school examinations or if you'd like to know more about the school, please do not hesitate to contact us by snail mail (the pen and paper protocol), email, fax, phone or just drop in our office. |
地址 Address SMK CHUNG HUA (CF) MIRI Peti Surat 116 Jalan Brigthon 98007 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia 电话 Phone 1 : 6085433517 传真号码 No. Fax : 6085422872 电邮 Email : portaladmin.qchm@smjk.edu.my |
替代网站 Alternative Website Click on the link below to visit our school's official website. Find out more detailed information about our school there. http://swchunghuam.smjk.edu.my |