03 Mar 2020 School Admin - SMJK JIT SIN (PENANG) Filed Under 文件存於 JSCO
本校管弦乐团于2月22日假槟州大会堂举办了第22届《灿响之夜》管弦音乐会,全场座无虚席。管弦乐团演奏了《Pangu Separates the Sky from the Earth~The Beginning of the World》,《Mogao Grottes~ A Thousand Years of Prayers》,《Music from the Avengers》,《Music from coco》,《Warabe-Uta Fantasy》,《At Dawn They Slept(December7,1941)》,《Exultate》,《Pilatus:Mountain of Dragons》,《Serenade for Strings in C major,Op.48》, 《Music from Ratatouille》,《Themes from 007》与《Pirates Of the Caribbean》。另外,安可曲《The greatest showman》让音乐会于十时半圆满落幕。