Orientation for 2016 Batch of Form 1 and Remove Students
31st December 2015 saw our school authorities hosting a brief orientation for the 2016 batch of Form 1 and Remove students in our school hall from 9.30am to 12.00 pm. Firstly, teachers and students sang the national anthem together. After that, our principal, Mr Lau Swee Mun presented a speech to the new students. It was followed by a speech by our Senior Assistant of School Administration, Pn Foong Thye Yew, pertaining the school operation to new students. Our Afternoon Session Senior Assistant, Pn Jot Mao Tan, then gave a speech about the administration of afternoon session. Next, Mr Chan Wai Keong, our school counselor, gave some motivation advices to new students. Our discipline teachers, subsequently, also explained the school rules in details to new students and hope that they will always adhere to the rules. After all these, the school authorities brought them to walk around the school so that they will have a clearer picture of our school. Last but not least, new students were given loaned textbooks and nametags before the orientation ended. 本校2016年度中一及预备班新生的迎新仪式于12月31日,上午9时30分,在本校穆文常礼堂举行。当天共有389位新生报到出席迎新仪式。本校卓越校长刘瑞文先生在会上致词时说三德有"一个都不能少"的计划,在明年的一月至五月本校将开办国语及英语补习班以帮助学生提高语文程度。会中本校下午班副校长叶牡丹讲解了有关PT3事宜,下午班训导主任详细说明本校校规,希望新生严守纪律。此外,辅导老师陈伟强则向学生们介绍了学校的辅导中心并告知学生可申请助学金。最后学生在班主任的带领下到各自的课室领取课本。整个仪式在中午12时圆满结束。 Pada 31 Disember 2015, pihak sekolah telah mengadakan satu majlis orientasi bagi pelajar tingkatan 1 dan peralihan di dewan sekolah dari pukul pagi 9.30 hingga pukul 12.00.Yang pertama, cikgu dan pelajar menyanyi lagu Negaraku bersama-sama. Selepasnya, pengetua yang cemerlang kita, En Lau Swee Mun, menyampaikan ucapan beliau kepada pelajar baharu.Setelah itu, Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran, Pn Foong Thye Yew memberi ucapan kepada pelajar baharu tentang pentadbiran sekolah kita. Selain itu, Penolong Kanan Petang, Pn Jot Mao Tan juga memberi ucuapan bahawa operasi Sesi petang. Di samping itu, Guru Kaunselor kita, En Chan Wai Keong telah memberi nasihat yang amat berguna kepada pelajar baharu. Tambahan pula, guru disiplin kita menerangkan peraturan sekolah kepada pelajar baharu dan berharap bahawa mereka akan mematuhi kepada peraturan sekolah pada setiap masa.Seterusnya, pihak sekolah membawa pelajar baharu untuk melawat ke sekolah supaya mereka mempunyai pengambaran yang lebih jelas. Akhirnya, setiap pelajar baharu diberikan buku teks pinjaman dan tag nama. Resource: Hew Gong Qi