美中董事长颁发大马高级教育文凭奖励金:The Tan Sri Dato'Paduka Chai Yu Lan STPM Award ( 2012 )
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(美里10日讯)不经一番寒彻骨,哪得梅花扑鼻香,因着多年来殿下扎实的根基,美中持续缔造辉煌成就,成功栽培全方位人才,让莘莘美中生获益良多。今日,董事长拿督巴杜卡蔡幼兰女士在女儿陈丽黛女士的陪同下,亲临颁发大马高级教育文凭奖励金给取得优异成绩的美中高材生。他们包括了李诗仪及高一宾。这两位同学将获得每年一万令吉,共计4年的奖励金。 美中黄敬贵校长表示在2011年的大马高级教育文凭考试中,美中达致100%及格率。在此项考试中,美中共有2名全A 状元,即获得奖励金的李诗仪及高一宾、1名考获3A以上佳绩的特优生、1名考获2A以上佳绩的特优生、8名考获1A以上佳绩的特优生以及1名考获4B佳绩的特优生。此外,更有21名考获全科总积分2.0以上出色成绩的考生。此项佳绩见证美中学术成绩显著提升,傲视美里杏坛,为美中学术成绩写下辉煌的一页,表现令人鼓舞。 他续表示,针对不间断每年颁发优异学术奖励金,其中包含了丹斯里拿督巴杜卡蔡幼兰董事长用心良苦的无私付出,希望全体美中师生加以珍惜。他勉励获得奖励金的同学继续努力学习,将来踏入社会造福人群,成为其他人的学习楷模。他相信在丹斯里拿督巴杜卡陈伯勤博士会长和丹斯里拿督巴杜卡蔡幼兰董事长的英明导航下,美中素质教育方面的革新已取得卓越的成果。同时,在董、教、生的通力合作下,美中不管在软体或硬体设施上都获得改善。 美中执行会长丹斯里拿督巴杜卡陈伯勤博士对美中师生的优异表现深表高兴和赞许。他表示,中六班是董事部和校方花费许多时间及精神才成功开办。如今美中中六生得以在各领域发挥专长,取得辉煌成就决非偶然。这些获得奖励金的同学不单学术成绩标青,在课外活动方面也相应出色。他们无论在校内或校外课外活动都有杰出的表现,一直以来扮演学长和学生领袖的角色,展现文武双全的才华,将来前程无可限量。 对于此项奖励金的颁发,美中丹斯里拿督巴杜卡蔡幼兰董事长表示她与美中执行会长丹斯里拿督巴杜卡陈伯勤博士将尽心尽力协助表现特出并有相关需要的美中可造之才完成升学的理想。秉持‘路遥知马力'和‘真金不怕红炉火'的至理名言,美中董事长丹斯里拿督巴杜卡蔡幼兰女士表明美中生优异的成绩证明美中开办大学先修班是明智之举。她重申,身为土生土长的美里人,她爱美里,更爱惜美中。她希望美中生能在我国象牙塔里刻苦求学,取得最高荣誉,将来若有机缘,回来美里创业,让美里更加繁荣,进而成为砂州的骄傲。她认为在美中开办大学先修班课程至今,每年都栽培了不少高素质的美中生进入国内外大学进修,让美中生收益良多,实际地兑现对华社的承诺;也为华社培育英才方面贡献一份力量。此外,她也感激劳苦功高的老师们,为美中培育出无数品学兼优的学生。在校长英明领导下,美中管理层及师资都已上了轨道,让董事部高枕无忧。美中今日的种种成就都让那些子虚乌有的谣言,犹如竹篮捞水,白费功夫。 此外,美中董事长丹斯里拿督巴杜卡蔡幼兰女士也借此机会捐赠两万令吉予美中铜乐队。美中铜乐队将于本月27日,在帝宫酒店举办一场别开生面的化装音乐舞会。同时,他们也将于7月份前往香港参加国际铜乐队大赛。对此,董事长为美中铜乐队献上最深的祝福,希望他们旗开得胜。 同时,美中董事长丹斯里拿督巴杜卡蔡幼兰女士也借此机会颁发奖励金予两名代表砂州前往沙巴参与全国游泳锦标赛的美中健儿,郑尊兴及杰逊。郑尊兴在有关赛事中夺得3金2银,而杰逊则在有关赛事中夺得1金1银。 全体获奖的学生和家长异口同声表示,在良好校园环境中茁壮成长的美中生将勇敢面对学习难题和人生的挑战。在董教生的扶持下,他们坚信美中生肯定会在学习的路途上走得更远!学生家长也呼吁全体美中生向获奖的美中优异生看齐,努力奋发,不畏艰难地考取更辉煌的成绩,完全凸显美中教育优异的素质。
The Tan Sri Dato'Paduka Chai Yu Lan STPM Award 2012 for SMK Chung Hua Miri (Miri, 10 April 2012) Tan Sri Dato' Paduka Chai Yu Lan was in SMK Chung Hua, early this morning, accompanied by her daughter, Ms Rita Ting, to reward all our STPM excellent achievers who have scored marvellously well in their Examinations last year, bringing much glory and pride to Chung Hua and the people of Miri City.
Ms Shirley Lee, the 2011 Chung Hua Prefectorial President and Ms Kho Ee Ping scored straight As, qualifying themselves for the Tan Sri Dato' Paduka Chai Yu Lan Award of RM10,000 a year for 4 consecutive years from 2012 till 2015. Mr Lau Jun Sien will receive RM1000 for achieving 3As. Karen Yong with 2As and 2Bs shall be awarded RM400 while 11 other students will also be given cash incentives.
Being a most generous and dotting philanthropist, Tan Sri Dato' Paduka Chai Yu Lan, born and raised in Miri, loves the city of Miri and is most honoured to adopt SMK Chung Hua as her cause in the field of education to contribute significantly to human capital development in Malaysia. She deems her award this morning as a small token to each excellent achiever in recognition of the effort, time and commitment put into academic studies last year. She further stresses that these excellent students need to decide on a good choice of study course for their future career in good and reputable universities in order to be able to come back to Miri once they graduate to serve our city. In fact, she express her joy that her determination to start the 6th forms in Chung Hua a few years earlier despite the challenges, is all worthwhile and fruitful as she is now able to help many struggling families realize their dreams of sending their children to local university at a very affordable cost. For this, many parents are eternally grateful to Tan Sri Chai.
She also reiterated that the students' success in this examination is evident of their consistent hard work, determination and focus to have created such great results. Tan Sri Chai advises all students of Chung Hua to be inspired by these achievements and to note that this fantastic progress and success is not automatic but deliberate and planned over a period of one to two years where a pupil has to work tirelessly with his teachers, classmates as well as his parents. For those who shall be sitting for the PMR, SPM and STPM this year, she urges them to take steps and to be aware that these examinations are milestones to seize as opportunities to practise, to excel and achieve.
According to Tan Sri Chai; "Being a good model student in this present age and era, has its ups and downs too, as it is no longer only about being just an academician excelling in theory and examinations anymore, particularly in a top school such as SMK Chung Hua Miri. Actually, I am most impressed with Chung Hua's continuous ability to churn out high caliber top academicians with excellent productivity in their respective co-curricular activities such as music, sports and games. These "all-rounders'' would be excellent leaders in the community and society as role models and mentors for the younger ones who are still in school."
Being also the main patron for the Chung Hua Brass Band, Tan Sri Chai also donated a sum of RM20,000 to help with the band's coaching cost. She is pleased that the school band will be holding the first ever Music Masquerade Ball in Miri City, at the Imperial Ballroom on the 27th April 2012 (Friday). Tickets for the Ball are very limited and available only with the Brass Band members of the school. An exciting evening of an international real orchestra live band playing dance tunes and latin American numbers accompanied by dancers and choral groups with an 8- course-dinner and a fashion show will be on. This is a "mask-gala-dinner" where the audience is requested to be dressed up elegantly in formal evening wear. It promises to be evening of musical grandeur - be there for yourself! The Chung Hua Band will also represent Malaysia to the World Marching Band Competition in Hong Kong in July 2012 in conjunction with the 15th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to mainland China.
2 excellent swimmers from the school team; Mr Tan Chong Hieng (Form 2) who won 3 golds in the 48th MILO/PRAM Malaysia National Age Group 2012 and 3 golds and 2 silvers in MSSM (Majlis Sukan Sekolah Malaysia); and Mr Jason Kulay (Form 5) who achieved 1 gold and 1 silver in MSSM; both received cash incentives from the SMK Chung Hua and also from Tan Sri Dato' Paduka Chai Yu Lan, herself.
Mr Wong King Kui, principal of the school thanked Tan Sri Ting and Tan Sri Chai for their generosity and committed effort in supporting the school all these years. In return, Mr Wong pledges his allegiance for the school promising a sincere loyal service of focus, commitment and outstanding leadership. He also takes the opportunity to thank all his school board members, alumni members, his teachers, parents and students for their loyalty and service.
S3L/April 2012 |