Tentang Kami 关于我们

Maklumat 资讯

Berita & Peristiwa 新闻与事件

Ko-kurikulum 课外活动

Multimedia 多媒体

Web 2.0 互联网 2.0

Suapan RSS

Akedemik 学术性的
Berita Sekolah 学校新闻
School Activity
Kertas Ujian 试卷
Bahasa Cina
Bahasa Inggeris
Dokumen 文件
Matematik Tambahan
What is RSS?
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based format for content distribution. We offer several RSS feeds for use in news readers and Web logs (blogs). These feeds include News & Events, Announcements and Exam papers. RSS feeds are free and www.smjk.edu.my currently uses RSS 2.0.

How to sign up to www.smjk.edu.my RSS?
Click on the below content area(s) RSS icon you're interested in subscribing to, and follow the instructions to add to your RSS news reader.

How to access RSS Feed?
There are a number of ways to access RSS feeds. You can install a news reader that displays RSS feeds from the Web sites you select, enabling you to view hundreds of headlines at once. After installing the news reader, you can add each feed manually from the Web site by clicking on the "Subscribe" or the "XML" orange button next to the feed.

An alternative to downloading a dedicated news reader is to use a Web-based news reader. Here is a list of RSS Readers