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iSchool部落格 iSchool Blogs

iSchool部落格列表 iSchool Blogs Listing

Bimbingan Dan Kaunseling Briged Putera
Harmonika Kadet Bomba
Kadet Polis Kadet Remaja Sekolah
Karate Do Kelab Alam Sekitar
Kelab Badminton Kelab Bola Jaring
Kelab Bola Keranjang Kelab Bola Tampar
PCGHS Volleyball Team
Kelab Budaya Kelab Budaya Jepun
Kelab Catur Kelab Drama
Kelab Fotografi Kelab Gubahan Bunga
Kelab Interact Kelab Kebudayaan TiongHua
Kelab Leo Kelab Olahraga
Kelab Pelancongan Kelab Pencegahan Jenayah
Kelab Persaudaraan Kristian Kelab Ping Pong
Kelab Sukan Ting. 6 Kelab Taman Sains
Koir Sekolah Koperasi Sekolah
Orkestra Cina Pancaragam
Pandu Puteri Pembimbing rakan sebaya
Pengawas Kebajikan Pengawas Perpustakaan & Pengawas Pusat Sumber
Kokurikulum PSS
Pengawas Sekolah Persatuan Bahasa Inggeris
Persatuan Bahasa Melayu Persatuan Buddha
Persatuan Kemahiran Hidup
Persatuan Matematik
Persatuan Pendidikan Seni Visual Persatuan Pengguna
Persatuan Perakaunan Persatuan Sains dan teknologi
Persatuan Sejarah & Geografi Persatuan Young Enterprise
Renjer Puteri Skim Lencana Anti Dadah
St. John Ambulans Sukan dan Kokurikulum
Surveyor Club Tae Kwan Do
Tahap Rakan Pembaca
Amalan Perkongsian Kritis
Unit Pengurusan Data Komputer
Warden Kantin Warden Kebersihan
Warden Sekolah Warden Trafik
Wushu 1 Wushu 2
Wushu 4 Wushu 5
wushu 3
Introducing iSchool Blog

The iSchool Blogs lets you manage a safe place on the internet that enables collaboration and participation among teachers, students and parents. It can be used as a platform to power your school or district website example a school communities or integrated with the iSchool Portal to add in "Blogging" functionality.

Why use iSchool Blogs?

iSchool Blogs allows students to blog freely in a protected environment. It's easy to get started and use - we'll set it up for you.

Designed with schools, educators and students in mind, iSchool Blogs incorporates years' experience focused on safety and education.

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