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Title : Fun Outdoor Games for Kids
Description : Kids Outdoor Games and Activities Race If there is one activity which kids enjoy immensely, it has to be a race. During races, kids get to utilize their extra energy constructively, they compete with one another and stay active. So, one of the fun kids outdoor games ideas is to have them compete in races. To add to the fun, you can plan to keep relay races, sack races, obstacle races, blind races or races where kids carry something on their heads while running towards the finish line! Scavenger Hunt For those of you looking for educative outdoor activities for kids, a good idea is to plan a scavenger hunt in a mall. Take the kids to a large departmental store and divide them into groups. Give each of the groups a list of things which they have to bring to the cash counter in maximum thirty minutes. The group which brings all the things listed in minimum time is declared the winner. Tug of War One of the best team building games for kids is tug of war. To play this game, divide kids into two groups. Next, draw a line on the ground and ask each of the groups to stand on either side in a straight line, one after the other. Give a rope to the kids which all of them, in both the teams, have to hold. When you whistle, the kids have to try pulling the other group to their side of the line. While doing so, kids learn to work as a team. The group which is able to pull the other one to their side is the winner. Hide and Seek Hide and seek is an easy and enjoyable preschool kids outdoor games. To play this game, one of the kids closes his eyes and counts till ten or twenty. Meanwhile, the other kids try to hide themselves behind trees, vehicles, swings, bushes, etc. Now, the kid who counted has to find the other kids in the hiding! When he is able to locate all the kids, the one who was "found" first has to start the game again by counting, while the other kids hide. To know more of such fun games, go to outdoor activities for preschoolers. Football Another of the outdoor games for children to play is football. Have two teams compete against each other in a game of football. This fun game fosters leadership qualities, team spirit, reasoning and logic in young children while they come up with strategies to beat one another! Freeze This is a fun group game for kids. Have all the kids stand in a circle, except for one. Play some music and ask the kids to dance on it. As soon as you stop the music, the kids have to freeze in whichever position they are. The one who is outside the circle then tries to make the others laugh or move by doing some funny actions. Those kids who fail to keep still are out. The game again continues with the kid who was out first trying to make others laugh when they are in a "freeze" position. The kids outdoor games mentioned here will keep them occupied and at the same time teach them some of the most essential life skills in today's world. These games are enjoyable, easy to play and very educative. For more of such games go to outdoor party games for kids. So, the next time you have a bunch of eager and enthusiastic children at your disposal, plan these games and they are sure to have the time of their lives!
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Version : 1
Update : Feb 22, 2011
Posted By : School Admin - SMJK YOKE KUAN (SELANGOR)
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