今天是阳历 2024 年 04 月 18 日 星期四 农历 三月月 初十 日


School assembly
19/10/2015 • Lai Kok Lee • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学

On the 19th of October , the school assembly was held as usual in our school hall. It started at 7.30am. Firstly, Pn Foong Thye Yew gave certificates to Mr.Peter Lewis a/l Thomas and Mr Abdul Majeed bin Mohd Shariff for the talk of the techniques to answer Physics and Chemistry paper.During the assembly, a prize giving ceremony was conducted. Many prizes and certificates were presented to those excelled in their contest and performances as well. After that, our Form 6 Senior Assistant, Pn Ng Sook Chin, Senior Assistant of Curriculum, Mr Teh Eow Kok and Administrative Senior Assistant, Pn Foong Thye Yew gave their speeches to all the students. Lastly, registration of B&K competition was held. The assembly ended at 9.00am.


Pada 19 Oktober 2015, perhimpunan telah diadakan secara biasa di dewan SMJK Sam Tet pada pukul 7.30pagi. Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran SMJK Sam Tet ,Pn Foong Thye Yew telah memberi sijil kepada En.Peter Lewis a/l Thomas dan En.Abdul Majeed bin Mohd Shariff atas ceramah tentang teknik menjawab soalan Fizik dan Kimia yang dianjurkan oleh mereka. Selepas itu, piala dan sijil telah diberikan kepada pemenang-pemenang yang telah mewakili sekolah kita.Setelah itu, PK Tingkatan 6, Pn Ng Sook Chin, PK Kokurikulum, En Teh Eow Kok, PK Pentadbiran ,Pn Foong Thye Yewtelah memberi ucapan kepada pelajar-pelajar. Akhirnya, pendaftaran bagi pertandingan B&K telah diadakan.Majlis bersurai pada pukul 9.00.

Resources: Hew Gong Qi

Photographer: Yoong Zhe Qing