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Second day of enrolment for the lower six students
05/05/2016 • Lai Kok Lee • Filed Under 文件存於 Second day of enrolment for the lower six students • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学

5th of May 2016 was the second day of enrolment for the lower six students. First and foremost, our school’s counselor, Mr. Chan Wai Keong and Mr. Raj Kumar a/l Raman conducted a session entitled “ Sam Tet Got Talent II ” which involved two groups of people, for the newcomers so that they can set new targets in their new journey and to achieve them. Talks and videos were given throughout the activity. Then, Mdm Tham Lai Seong and En. Chan Wai Keong explained about the scholarships in detail to the lower sixes. This was followed by the speeches by the Head of Teacher Advisor of United Society of Sam Tet (USST), Mdm Tsia Wai Kit, the Head Teacher Advisor of Sam Tet Counseling Club, Mr.Chan Wai Keong, The head of the Prefectorial Board of Sam Tet, Lau Rui Hsioong and the Head of Teacher Advisor of Sam Tet Sixth Form Society, Ms. Tan Swee Imm. They explained the respective roles of their club, societies or board to the lower sixes so that they will have a clearer picture on them. Next, Mdm Chan Yoke Ping, who is in charge of the registration of STPM and our school’s MUET teacher, Mdm Cheong Qwee Ling, gave briefings on the importances of STPM and MUET respectively. Last but not least, our school’s counselor, Mr. Megat Azrul Aizad bin Megat Iberahim, presented his talk regarding the various coming challenges and stress that will be faced by the lower six students and the measures on how to deal with them to the lower sixes.

2016年5月5日是三德中学新中六生入学的第二天。首先,本校辅导老师陈伟强老师及 Raj Kumar a/l Raman 老师为新中六生主持命名为“三德人才济济”的激励活动。在活动进行中,许多讲座及影片被给予新中六生,好让他们能在这新的人生旅程里有个新的目标,从而奋斗到底。过后,谭丽嫦老师及陈伟强老师也分别为新生们讲解有关奖学金。 接着,便是由三德团体联合会的首席顾问老师,谢蕙洁老师、同侪辅导学会顾问老师,陈伟强老师、三德学长团团长,刘瑞雄同学及中六学会顾问老师,陈瑞茵老师也纷纷为新生们讲解其学会或团体所扮演的角色。 接下来,本校大马高等教育文凭考试(STPM)的负责老师,陈玉彬老师及MUET老师,张桂玲老师也为同学们解释STPM和MUET的操作及其重要性。 最后,本校的辅导老师,美嘉阿芝鲁老师为新生们诉说有关中六生所面对的压力及其调节方法,好让他们能把压力化成动力。

Pada 5 Mei 2016 Program Orientasi Pelajar Tingkatan 6 iaitu hari kedua telah dijalankan. Ketua Guru Unit Bimbingan dan Kaunseling , Encik Chan Wai Keong dan Encik Raj Kumar a/l Raman telah merasmikan sesi bina semangat yang bertema “Sam Tet Got Talent” . Bersempena sesi ini , ceramah dan video telah ditayangkan untuk memotivasikan pelajar supaya mereka lebih bertungkus lumus dalam mencapai matlamat hidup . Seterusnya Puan Tham Lai Seong dan Encik Chan Wai Keong telah memberikan taklimat berkaitan dengan biasiswa kepada pelajar-pelajar. Wakil-wakil yang mewakili unit perkhidmatan di SMJK Sam Tet dijemput untuk memberikan penerangan tentang badan perkhidmatan mereka. Wakil-wakil yang terlibat ialah Puan Tsia Wai Kit yang mewakili United Societies Of Sam Tet (USST) , Encik Chan Wai Keong yang mewakili Unit Bimbingan dan Kaunseling ,Ketua Pengawas Sekolah ,saudara Lau Rui Hsioong yang mewakili Lembaga Pengawas Sekolah serta Persatuan Tingkatan 6 yang diwakili oleh Cik Tan Swee Imm. Selain itu, Puan Chan Yoke Ping dan Puan Cheong Qwee Ling telah menjelaskan format peperiksaan STPM dan MUET masing-masing . Akhirnya, Encik Megat Azrul Aizad bin Megat Iberahim telah menyampaikan ceramahnya yang mengenai cabaran Tingkatan 6 dan pengurusan stress kepada pelajar Tingkatan 6 Bawah.

Resource : Hew Gong Qi and Choong Shi Min

Photographer : Liew Jin Ming