今天是阳历 2024 年 10 月 07 日 星期一 农历 九月月 初五日


08/09/2019 • School Admin - SMJK PEI HWA (JOHORE, SUNGAI MATI) • Filed Under 文件存於 MATHEMATICS • SMJK PEI HWA 培华国民型华文中学
11/04/2018 • School Admin - SMJK JIT SIN (PENANG) • Filed Under 文件存於 mathematics • SMJK JIT SIN 大山脚日新国中 (卓越学校)
本校学生日前参与了第八届奥林匹克生活营,并获得银奖和铜奖。 得奖者名单 . Chong Ren Hao 银 . Dernice Lee Tian Yi 银奖 . Ong Ting Hao 铜奖  [ Read More 更多  ]
澳门3D Cup PAP 数学比赛 
27/07/2017 • School Admin - SMJK JIT SIN (PENANG) • Filed Under 文件存於 mathematics • SMJK JIT SIN 大山脚日新国中 (卓越学校)
敏儿报道 我校 Chong Ren Hao 同学参加了澳门3D Cup PAP 数学比赛荣获了团体赛亚军和个人赛金奖。此外,他也参加了在越南举行的世界数学邀请赛,荣获金奖。  [ Read More 更多  ]
理科大学常识比赛 Quiz Mathematics USM 
05/05/2017 • School Admin - SMJK JIT SIN (PENANG) • Filed Under 文件存於 mathematics • SMJK JIT SIN 大山脚日新国中 (卓越学校)
报道:罗敏儿 本校于4月22日参了槟城理科大学所举办的常识比赛,并获得不俗的成绩。 初中组... [ Read More 更多  ]
06/09/2016 • School Admin - SMJK JIT SIN (PENANG) • Filed Under 文件存於 mathematics • SMJK JIT SIN 大山脚日新国中 (卓越学校)
日新国中Chong Ren Hao同学于7月29-31日赴新加坡参加International Mathematics Contest 勇夺铜奖。  [ Read More 更多  ]
World Mathematics Invitational (WMI) 
06/09/2016 • School Admin - SMJK JIT SIN (PENANG) • Filed Under 文件存於 mathematics • SMJK JIT SIN 大山脚日新国中 (卓越学校)
日新国中Chong Ren Hao 同学参加World Mathematics Invitational (WMI)。这项比赛于7月16日在吉隆坡举行,由Taiwan Mathematics Organization (TMO)主办。他在比赛中囊获1个金奖及国际之星奖。  [ Read More 更多  ]
04/05/2016 • School Admin - SMJK JIT SIN (PENANG) • Filed Under 文件存於 mathematics • SMJK JIT SIN 大山脚日新国中 (卓越学校)
日新国中于上星期六,4月23日前往槟城理科大学参加数学常识比赛。5名学生皆在团体赛及个人赛中榜上有名,为学校带回1银2铜。得奖名单如下: 高中组(铜奖)Moo Zi Hao 5S2Lim Chin Chuan 5S2Lee Hsuan Wei 5S3 个人赛(铜奖)Moo Zi Hao 5S2(银奖)Lim Cher Liang 3A3 [ Read More 更多  ]
日新数学精英 为校争光 
10/07/2014 • School Admin - SMJK JIT SIN (PENANG) • Filed Under 文件存於 Mathematics • SMJK JIT SIN 大山脚日新国中 (卓越学校)
日新数学精英 为校争光 日新国中派出5支队伍参加了全国A-水平数学与逻辑思维比赛,共有2组挤进前三名,而且还是全县的最高分。他们是: 1. Ong Jeng & Khor Jun Hern 2. Ong Chee Hean & Lee Zach Ren /* Style Definitions */... [ Read More 更多  ]
Asia Inter Cities Teenagers Mathematics Olympiad (AITMO) 2011  
31/12/2011 • School Admin - SMJK SIN MIN (KEDAH, SUNGAI PETANI) • Filed Under 文件存於 Olympiad,  • Mathematics,  • 2011 • SMJK SIN MIN 新民国民型中学
Asia Inter Cities Teenagers Mathematics Olympiad (AITMO) 2011 held in Malpi International School, Panauti, Nepal from 13 Nov- 17 Nov 2011. There are 34 teams from 13 countries taking part. These countries are Nepal, Bulgaria, China, Iran, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Sri Langka, South Korea,... [ Read More 更多  ]
Australian Mathematics Competition 2011 
15/11/2011 • School Admin - SMJK SIN MIN (KEDAH, SUNGAI PETANI) • Filed Under 文件存於 Mathematics,  •  Australia,  • 2011 • SMJK SIN MIN 新民国民型中学
On 4th August 2011 31 students participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition The results: Khong Yi Kye (Form 3) – Medal and Prize Awards Theam Wing Chun (Form 1) –Prize Award High Distinction – 3 students Distinction – 6 students Credit – 10... [ Read More 更多  ]
Indonesia International Mathematics Competition 2011  
05/09/2011 • School Admin - SMJK SIN MIN (KEDAH, SUNGAI PETANI) • Filed Under 文件存於 Indonesia,  • Mathematics,  • 2011 • SMJK SIN MIN 新民国民型中学
Indonesia International Mathematics Competition 2011 Bertarikh : 22 Julai 2011 Bertempat : Bali, Indonesia Keputusan : Khong Yi Kye (3.6) – Individual Silver Medal - Team : 1st Runner-up - Group : Merit Lim Ye Ang (3.9) – Individual... [ Read More 更多  ]
Australian Mathematics Competition 
09/11/2010 • School Admin - SMJK SIN MIN (KEDAH, SUNGAI PETANI) • Filed Under 文件存於 Mathematics,  • 2010 • SMJK SIN MIN 新民国民型中学
Congratulations to all 29 students who completed the competition on 5th August 2010 and were awarded the following certificates:1 MEDAL PRIZE : Khong Yi Kye 3 HIGH DISTINCTIONS: a) Lim Yee Angb) Lyster Edviano Looc) Ong Yi Chao 9 DISTINCTIONS: a) Adrian Cheah Chee Siangb) Ang Kah Hoongc) Chuah... [ Read More 更多  ]
International Mathematics Competition 2010 - Korea 
31/08/2010 • School Admin - SMJK SIN MIN (KEDAH, SUNGAI PETANI) • Filed Under 文件存於 Mathematics,  • 2010 • SMJK SIN MIN 新民国民型中学
International Mathematics Competition 2010 di Korea dari 25 Julai 2010 hingga 29 Julai 2010Keputusan: 1. Khong Yi Kye -dari kelas 2.6 Individual Contest - Bronze Team Competition - 1st Runner-up Group Contest - 2nd Runner - up 2. Lim Ye Ang dari kelas 2.9 Group Contest - 2nd Runner - up... [ Read More 更多  ]
Pertandingan Mental Arithmetic, Abacus & Mathematics All -Round Competition - Taiwan 
31/08/2010 • School Admin - SMJK SIN MIN (KEDAH, SUNGAI PETANI) • Filed Under 文件存於 Mathematics,  • 2010 • SMJK SIN MIN 新民国民型中学
Pertandingan Mental Arithmetic, Abacus & Mathematics All-Round Competition yang berlangsung di Taiwan pada 2 Ogos 2010.Tan Hong Chern dari kelas 1.5 memenangi Secondary School Group Silver Award.  [ Read More 更多  ]
Phillippine International Mathematics Competition 2009 
04/03/2010 • School Admin - SMJK SIN MIN (KEDAH, SUNGAI PETANI) • Filed Under 文件存於 Mathematics,  •  Phillippine,  • 2009 • SMJK SIN MIN 新民国民型中学
Congratulations to Chua Zhi Ming, Lyncam Edviano Loo, Lyster Edviano Loo and Teoh Wen Jia for having achieved a mark Distinction in the Phillippine International Mathematics Competition 2009 which was held in Iloilo City, Phillipines from 28 November 2009 to 2 December 2009.  [ Read More 更多  ]
Australian Mathematics Competitions 2009 
12/11/2009 • School Admin - SMJK SIN MIN (KEDAH, SUNGAI PETANI) • Filed Under 文件存於 Mathematics,  • 2009 • SMJK SIN MIN 新民国民型中学
Australian Mathematics Competitions 2009 Pencapaian adalah seperti berikut Bil Nama Murid Kategori Pencapaian Peringkat 1 Khong Yi Kye Junior Medal, Peter O’Hollaran Award, Prize Antarabangsa... [ Read More 更多  ]
ICAS Mathematics Competitions UNSW 2009 
12/11/2009 • School Admin - SMJK SIN MIN (KEDAH, SUNGAI PETANI) • Filed Under 文件存於 ICAS,  • Mathematics,  • 2009 • SMJK SIN MIN 新民国民型中学
ICAS Mathematics Competitions UNSW 2009 Pencapaian adalah seperti berikut: Bil Nama Murid Tingkatan Pencapaian Peringkat 1 Ong Yi Chao 2 Gold Medal Antarabangsa 2 Lynton Edviano Loo... [ Read More 更多  ]
17/05/2009 • School Admin - SMJK JIT SIN (PENANG) • Filed Under 文件存於 Mathematics,  •  Science,  • Quiz  • SMJK JIT SIN 大山脚日新国中 (卓越学校)
校内“科学与数学常识比赛”成绩 班级 得奖者 冠军 2A1 GERALD TAN CHEN JIE 亚军 2A2 1K 1N OOI ZHEN CHANG BRYAN TAN CHEN YI YEOH KIRK MING  [ Read More 更多  ]
Bronze Medalists - International Mathematics Competition 2008 
04/11/2008 • School Admin - SMJK SIN MIN (KEDAH, SUNGAI PETANI) • Filed Under 文件存於 Mathematics,  • 2008 • SMJK SIN MIN 新民国民型中学
SMJK Sin Min is proud with two students who have won the Bronze medal in the International Mathematics Competition held from 25 - 30 October 2008 in ChiangMai, Thailand.Both Ong Yi Chao and Lyster Edviano Loo won the Bronze Medal for Individual Award Secondary Education.Congratulations to both of... [ Read More 更多  ]
International Youth Mathematics Contest 2007 
27/09/2007 • School Admin - SMJK SIN MIN (KEDAH, SUNGAI PETANI) • Filed Under 文件存於 Mathematics,  •  International,  • Contest,  • 2007 • SMJK SIN MIN 新民国民型中学
During the Asia Inter Cities Teenager Mathematics Invitation Competition from 29 July 2007 to 2 August 2007 held in Hong Kong, three SMJK Sin Min students won the following awards:Lynton Edviano Loo - Bronze AwardLim Choon Chung & Lyster Edviano Loo - Merit Award Congratulations to our award... [ Read More 更多  ]

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