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25 Jun 2008 School Admin - SMJK HENG EE (PENANG, GEORGETOWN) Filed Under 文件存於 activity


On the 3rd of June 2008, Heng Ee High School Interact Club was chosen as one of the stations for the International Youth Exchange Programme of students from India , District 3060 Gujarat and District 3040 Indore. Our school Interact Club members and teacher-in-charge started preparing for the events from 12.30pm on that day. Some of us were asked to help serve food to the visitors while the others were asked to set up the facilities. After an hour of hard work, we were finally ready for the event.

            The youth exchange programme started at 2 pm as planned. Our friends from Gujarat and Indore came on time. A total of 18 of them visited our school. They are Rotarians District 3040 Ms. Ritu Grover, Assistant Governor Mr. and Mrs. Nimesh  Gosalla and 15 International Youth Exchange students.

            After our guests were seated, our event started with the welcome speech of our school principal, Mr. Goh Boon Poh . He gave a brief explanation about our school and expressed excitement at meeting our guests of hour .Without further delay, we presented the slide show on our school and Penang to all of them. One of our members , Lim Seng Chiang was given the task to explain the slide show to them. We hope that our friends from India would be able to know our Malaysian culture, food and places better.

            Next, the representative of the Interact Club from Indore had also shared their culture and the uniqueness of their country with us. The development of their country and their colorful culture amazed us . Then the representative from Gujarat explained about their country in detail in various aspects to all of us. The most interesting part of all is the performance of the Bollywood and traditional dance. At the same time, we invited the members of the Chinese Orchestra to join us. What an amazing performance !

            As we were running out of time, we invited our friends to taste the Penang delicacies we had brought along. Furthermore, we grabbed the opportunity to chat with them in order to know them better. At 4.00pm, they departed from our school to other destinations around Penang.

            For me, it was such a great chance to know and learn more about India. After listening to the presentation by their representative, I have learnt a lot about India. I hope I am able to visit India one day in the future. 



                                                     By Soh Yi Ru   5 S 1

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