29/10/2013 • School Admin - SMJK CHUNG HUA MIRI • Filed Under 文件存於 美中, • 2013, • 辉煌, • 学术, • 课外活动, • 颁奖, • 典礼, • SMK Chung Hua, • Miri • SMK CHUNG HUA (CF) MIRI 美里中华中学
2013年美中辉煌学术、课外活动颁奖典礼圆满闭幕 (美里29日讯)2013年美中辉煌学术、课外活动颁奖与毕业典礼于今日于拿督李德福大礼堂隆重举行,美中董事长丹斯里拿督巴杜卡蔡幼兰女士受邀主持此项意义深长的典礼。这项典礼受邀莅临的嘉宾还包括美中董事部董事、美中校友会理事、美中爱心关怀成长团队工委、美里省教育厅官员、美里省各中小学校长和学生家长。 在此项典礼中,美中校方总结了2013年美中辉煌学术和课外活动,有近700位学生上台领奖。此颁奖典礼除了赞扬在学术方面表现优秀的学生,也表扬的课外活动方面有杰出表现的学生。过去的一年,美中生表现非常出色,从美里省、全砂、全国至国际赛事都有杰出的表现,连连获奖。 基于种种美中生所取得的辉煌成绩,美中校方颁发688个美中之星奖和271个美中超星奖项予2013年在学术、体育、领导、服务、课外活动各方面取得卓越成就的美中生。其中,共有46位获颁表现最出色奖,12位获颁校友会杰出表现奖和8位获颁校长杯优异表现奖以及1位获颁美中会长卓越奖,充分显示美中满校俊秀的景象。 以下为此项典礼中荣获卓越成就奖、优异表现奖和杰出表现奖的名单:
美中会长卓越奖 美中校长卓越奖 优异运动表现奖: 优异课外活动表现奖: 优异服务表现奖: 美中校友会卓越奖
美中黄敬贵校长勉励全体美中生本着'勇往直冲、臻直完美'的美中精神,竭尽所能誓言考取最优秀的成绩,为个人和父母争取荣耀,为校争光。通过这项典礼,美中校方深信将激励全体美中生加倍努力奋斗,虚心向学,在美中良好的求学环境中茁壮和快乐成长,誓言创造更辉煌的成就。同时,校方也借通过颁发学术和课外活动优异奖项显示真诚的办学精神,即是以学生为本,着重实事求是的求学精神,人人都有平等的学习机会以及彼此精诚团结、集体开心快乐成长。 美中董事长丹斯里拿督巴杜卡蔡幼兰女士在开幕礼上致词时表示美中这些年来栽培了许多品学兼优和文武双全的美中生。他们都本着‘勇往直冲、臻直完美'的美中精神,竭尽所能考取最优秀的成绩,为个人和父母争取荣耀,为校争光。她坚信美中生都可以达至此目标,因为品学兼优、拥有崇高志气和理想是美中生的特征。
美中董事长丹斯里拿督巴杜卡蔡幼兰女士讲词 可敬的美中校长黄敬贵、校友会主席李进兴先生、各位校友会理事、关怀爱心团队顾问温素华女士、各位关怀爱心团队工委、各位董事、各位副校长、老师、家长、校友、同学及来宾们: 大家早上好。我十分高兴受邀前来主持美中2013年辉煌学术、课外活动颁奖典礼及致词。 各位来宾: 各位来宾: Ms. Ritating's 2013 APC Day Speech Greetings It is my honour to officiate " excellent student award Day 2013" for SMK Chung Hua Miri. Every year, on this auspicious special day, we celebrate in thanksgiving to honour our outstanding excellent students who have worked hand in hand, side by side with one another - the juniors with the seniors and vice versa to make this school such a huge amazing success. It is a day whereby we celebrate the contribution as well as achievement of our kids not just in the field of academics but also in co- curricular activities where these children have shown their zeal and passion in doing things superbly well. In fact, it truly manifests the synergy of our teachers' and students' potential which is harnessed for the maximum benefit of every child who has the wisdom to choose to study in SMK Chung Hua. This spirit to learn and to achieve of each and every student present here today, deserves all our praise - Tan Sri Ting, Tan Sri chai, the school board and mine! Kudos and well done to each and everyone of our outstanding student for all the excellent results and achievement last year and this year. This annual award ceremony is an important day in Chung Hua's yearly calendar. Every achieving student from transition to form 6 is cordially invited, together with their parents to be recognized for their contribution to the school inside or outside the classroom. In fact, we the school, highly encourage each and every one of you to enthusiastically participate and enjoy all these activities to continue to earn a place in this ceremony here next year together with your beloved parents. On behalf of my parents; Tan Sri Ting and Tan Sri Chai, we take this opportunity to heartily encourage all our new and young students to continuously embark on a journey of self improvement in order to be able to build yourself to the optimum level so that you are a Malaysian citizen of the highest calibre not just in work capacity but also in integrity of character. This mission requires the best from all our teachers, parents and you as well. Thank you to all parents who have faith and belief in us and our teachers to trust us with your children. Lastly, thank you everyone for your kind and generous support of the School. With this I wish extend mine and my parents' most joyous greetings and tidings to all beloved parents, teachers and students today - happy Award day! Thank you. PRINCIPAL'S SPEECH AT THE EXCELLENCE AWARDS PRESENTATION CEREMONY OF SMK CHUNG HUA MIRI Terima kasih pengerusi majlis. Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Dato' Paduka Ting Pek Khing, Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Dato' Paduka Chai Yu Lan, Y. Dihormati ahli-ahli lembaga sekolah, Presiden Persatuan Alumni, En Lee Thin Hin dan ahli-ahli alumni, Pengerusi Ahli Biro Bantu dan Sayang, Mdm Voon Sheo Fah (En Lucas Tang), serta ahli-ahli Biro Bantu dan Sayang, Pengetua-pengetua dan Guru Besar (2) yang dihormati, Penolong-Penolong Kanan ; Pn Lai Jia Ling, En Anthony Raj dan En Johnathan James, Guru-guru, Para ibu bapa, para wartawan dan Para pelajar yang disayangi, Sidang hadirin sekalian. Selamat pagi, Salam sejahtera,Salam 1Malaysia. Terlebih dahulu, Saya mewakili semua warga sekolah ingin merakamkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kepada Yang. Berbahaia. Tan Sri Dato' Paduka Dr.Ting Pek Khing dan Tan Sri Dato' Paduka Chai Yu Lan kerana sudi bersama-sama kita untuk menyempurnakan Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan Akademik dan Kokurikulum pada hari ini.Terima kasih, Tan Sri DENGAN SEGALA HORMATNYA, Tan Sri, izinkan saya meneruskan ucapan saya dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Ladies and Gentlemen: Once again we are very honored indeed to have our president of the school board of management , TAN SRI DATO' PADUKA TING PEK KHING and board chairman, TAN SRI DATO' PADUKA CHAI YU LAN to be here with us this morning to grace our 2013 Excellence Awards Presentation ceremony. I would also like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all present this morning - for being part of our celebration of our students' outstanding achievements this year. Thank you for making this a memorable day for the school, in particular, the award recipients. Ladies and Gentlemen: Today we are presenting awards for students' excellent achievements in various aspects - academic, sport, service, co-curriculum, leadership and character. First of all, let me give a brief report on some of the school's outstanding achievements of the year 2013. SMK Chung Hua Miri has again been awarded Certificates of Excellence by the State Education Department for excellent performance in the PUBLIC EXAMS; PMR, SPM and STPM, and CO-CURRICULUM. Achievements. In the public exams, our school (for many years) continues to be placed as having the most number of straight A's scored in the Miri Division. IN 2012 PMR, IN THE SPM EXAM, IN THE STPM EXAM, IN CO-CURRICULUM, Some of our outstanding achievements in 2013 are: In SPORTS AND GAMES, Athletics At state level Tracks and Fields MSSSarawak our school captured 9 Golds 4 Silvers and 6 Bronze. While in Cross Country MSSSarawak Lau Jiin Bing (3Bestari) - Silver At national level MSSM Tracks and Fields At International Little Athletics Championship 2013 Our Uniform Bodies Bulan Sabit Merah Malasysia (BSMM) At state level Junior Jaycees Lion Dance Archery Borneo Games - Esther Yong from 1Lavender (Champion), Chio Chung Yin 3G & Ngu Gao Teck 3C (2nd runner-up) At state level 15th Sarawak Open - 4 Golds (Chio Chung Yin, Li Ching Wee, Esther Yong & Ngu Gao Teck) Swimming At International level Squash At national level With excellent results. Tennis At national level Badminton Basketball Ours schools boys are crown Champion at the Kejohanan Piala Menteri Pendidikan 1 Murid 1 Sukan - and will represent Sarawak at national level at Pulau Pinang 6-10 Nov 2013 Bowling Catur Persatuan Bahasa Cina At national level Pertandingan Bahas BC Ala Parlimen - 2nd Runner-up Persatuan BI To add on .... And ,many other activities or competitions that our students have participated or won at divisional or school levels which I cannot not mention here as the list is too long. Therefore, Today, the awards which will be presented reflect the extent of achievements of our students' academic , non-academic, leadership, service as well as sporting talents at local, regional, state, national and international levels. There will be: 72 - ACADEMIC STAR AWARD recipients for excellent performance, with average marks of 80% and 76 % for junior and senior forms respectively, and 65% for Form 6 51 - ACADEMIC SUPERSTAR AWARD, 86% and 81% for junior and senior forms respectively; and 70% for Form 6 356 - SERVICE STAR AWARD 51 - SERVICE SUPERSTAR AWARD 53 - SPORT STAR (for students who have achieved at least first placing in divisional level sports or games competitions) 46 - SPORT SUPERSTAR (for students who have achieved at least first placing in state-level sports or games competitions) 207 - CO-CURRICULUM STAR AWARD ( for students who have achieved at least first prize at divisional level competitions or performances in co-curricular activities; besides sports and games) 91 - C0-CURRICULUM SUPERSTAR AWARD (for those who have achieved at least first placing at state level competitions or represented the state for performances in co-curricular activities) 24 -MOST OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN CO- CURRICULUM AWARD 22 - OVERALL MOST OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (in both academic and co-curriculum) 12 - ALUMNI AWARD 8 - PRINCIPAL'S AWARD 1 - PRESIDENT'S AWARD (the highest award bestowed to a model student for excellence - in character, leadership, academic, co-curriculum and service to the school)
The success of the excellence performance of our students in various aspects today would not made be possible without the cooperation, commitment, contributions and dedication of many wonderful people. To the school board of management, under our kind and caring president and chairman, Tan Sri Dato' Paduka Ting Pek Khing and Tan Sri Dato' Paduka Chai Yu Lan, a very big "Thank You" for your continuous support throughout these years. With your kind support , many things were made possible. To the school staff, your cooperation , commitment and dedication in producing Chung Hua's pride has been made possible as seen in our students' achievements today. To all parents, your moral support and sacrifice in nurturing your children has been rewarded. To our Alumni Association, Love & Care Bureau, your endless commitment and effort has not gone unnoticed and we look forward to your continuous support. To our Miri community , the continuous moral support from you has been fruitful too. Thank you. My heartfelt gratitude also goes to the working committee; teachers and prefects and everyone else involved in preparing today's ceremony. Finally, TO ALL AWARD RECIPIENTS TODAY, CONGRATULATIONS AND WELL DONE TO ALL OF YOU!!! And also, ALWAYS REMEMBER TO BE WELL-BALANCED INDIVIDUALS WITH GOOD CHARACTER WHO WILL BE ABLE TO CONTRIBUTE FULLY TO THE SOCIETY AND THE COUNTRY. UP UP CHUNG HUA. GET AHEAD AND STAY AHEAD. Thank you.
PING PONG At international level, At national level, Our young star Calvin Chieng (Form 1A) will be representing Sarawak in the Kejohanan Ping Pong MILO Tunas Harapan Malaysia Lelaki -13 this month. SWIMMING Our swimmers have also done very well in the swimming arena. At international level, At national level, WUSHU ATHLETICS, At national level, At state level- In Kem Bakat Sukan Olahraga, Leong Kai Xiang clinched the gold medal for the hepthalon event. OTHER CO-CURRICULAR ACHIEVEMENTS OF UNIFORMED BODIES, in which our students have performed very well in competitions at international, national or state levels, are: The Brass Band, The Red Crescent Society, The Police Cadets, and Kadet Remaja Sekolah. Our Chung Hua Brass Band (consisting of 98 members), who took part in the World Marching Show Band Championship 2011 as well as in the NATCOM are highly commended for their achievements too. In both competitions our brass band members led by Benjamin Yau, Ryan Lo and Sonia Chin, have performed very well at the international and national levels. In World Marching Show Band Championship 2011, , we were placed 2nd runner-up at national level group preliminary, and at the overall International level, we were placed 6th with Gold Awards. In the NATCOM (at state-level), the band was placed top in Sarawak. Red Crescent Society members; The Police Cadets; This year our school has also done very well in ACTIVITIES AND COMPETITIONS WHICH ARE CURRICULUM RELATED ( at national or state levels). They are ; - English Language Drama (being the champion at national level competition) - International Competitions and Assessments by University of New South Wales (in which many of our students achieved high distinctions, and distinctions for Science, Mathematics, English and English Writing), - Robotic competition (Our team won "National Instruments Award" at the national level competition) - Chinese Debate (2nd runner-up at national level competition) |