今天是阳历 2024 年 12 月 11 日 星期三 农历 冬月月 十一日


Farewell to Pn. Tan Cuik Hooi 
02/04/2008 • School Admin - SMJK SIN MIN (KEDAH, SUNGAI PETANI) • Filed Under 文件存於 Tan Cuik Hooi,  •  2008 • SMJK SIN MIN 新民国民型中学
On 31st January 2008, SMJK Sin Min had a farewell function for Pn. Tan Cuik Hooi.Teachers, office staff and fellow students dearly missed our beloved Pn. Tan Cuik Hooi who had contributed so much towards the school.Farewell Pn. Tan and have a peaceful and successful future and may God bless you... [Read More 更多 ]

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