School assembly | 04/01/2016 • Lai Kok Lee • Filed Under 文件存於 SMJK SAM TET • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学 | On the 4th of January 2016, our school had assembly as usual in our school hall. The assembly started at 7.30am for the morning session and at 1.05pm for the afternoon session. For the morning session, a prize giving ceremony was conducted for teachers who achieved full attendance in 2015. Next,... [Read More 更多 ] | |
Pertandingan Robotik Peringkat Negeri | 18/07/2012 • Oh Wei Heng • Filed Under 文件存於 SMJK SAM TET • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学 | Pertandingan Robotik Peringkat NegeriPada 18hb Julai, suatu pertandingan robotik peringkat negeri telah dilangsungkan di Sekolah Menengah Vokasional Seri Iskandar. Pasukan robotik SMJK Sam Tet Ipoh telah mendapat naib johan dalam kategori sekolah menengah rendah. Pemain pertama ialah Timothy... [Read More 更多 ] | |
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