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关于我们 About Us - 校训 School Motto
仁 " REN"
仁 慈 爱 物, 悲 天 悯 人。
At Phor Tay High School, the welfare of our students is the primary consideration in every area of our operations. We practise the concept of a caring school. We aim to inculcate in students the values of love and kindness towards their fellow students and all members of society.
慎 "SHEN"
慎 以 处 事,谨 以 修 己。
We believe in providing an all-round education. We aim to develop students who are academically, spiritually and morally strong.
勤 " QIN"
勤 于 求 学, 勇 于 服 务。
We want to instil the value of hard work in our students so that they will be able to achieve their goals in life.
毅 " YI"
毅 力 坚 强, 百 折 不 挠。
Our students will be mentally strong and be able to face any challenges with full confidence.