今天是阳历 2024 年 04 月 28 日 星期日 农历 三月月 二十日


[Online Resource Centre 教学材料]   [E-Teacher 电子教师]   [Web Basics 网页基本常识]

Navigation with Browsers

Going Further

URL Addresses | URL Details | Relative Addresses | URL Summary | Methods of Navigation | Going Further

The material that we have discussed in this section should be more than sufficient for most basic Web navigation. A more extensive discussion of URLs may be found in A Beginner's Guide to URLs. A broader discussion of Web navigation may be found in the topics of the HTML Station reference guide. Finally, the Web browsers have help documents that describe all aspects of using browsers.

[Online Resource Centre 教学材料]   [E-Teacher 电子教师]   [Web Basics 网页基本常识]
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