Co-Curriculum 课外活动 - Sports 体育

Body Building Club News 新闻

Chairperson 主席: Ong Jun JIe 王俊杰
Secretary 秘书: Cheah Kah Xuan 谢家轩
Treasurer 财政 : Bryan Ho Wai Quin 何伟权




Heng Ee High School Gym Club’s main objectives are to train the students first to have proper diet and also to have the right technique for work out. In the gym room, we have 3 bench presses, 1 multi-station, 4 crunches sets, dumbells , twister set, barbell curl sets, squat set and leg raise set. While “Stay fit and healthy “is the motto of SMJK Heng Ee Gym Club, we focus not only on gym techniques, but also the discipline and maintenance of personal hygiene.