2011 年, 是我搭上恒毅列车之后, 深具意义与纪念性的一站。沿途风光旖旎, 幕幕令人难忘:从年初的个各大公共考试成绩辉煌, 到各国际赛事战绩告捷,再到宏愿楼开幕典礼暨创校55周年纪念晚宴,这一桩桩的喜事让这一站更添姿彩!
经过漫长且艰辛的筹备过程, 本校宏远楼开幕典礼暨恒毅创校55周年纪念晚宴终于宣告圆满落幕。各界对本校的鼎力支持, 本人深铭于心。建立宏愿楼是本校董事会具前瞻性的决定, 因为要培育优秀的国家生力军, 就得先拥有完善先进的硬体教育设施。 回想当初筹建宏愿楼期间, 过程波折重重, 所幸在本校董事会、家教协会、校友们及校方群策群力、共赴时艰下, 一切问题最终得以迎刃而解。当然, 商家社团、社会贤达及公众人士的慷慨解囊, 成就了本校的千秋宏业, 更是功不可没。 理所当然的,恒毅三校创始人拿督余廉神父的丰功伟绩更不容我们忽视, 若没有他的付出, 哪有今日的恒毅?
如今, 宏愿楼巍然屹立于校园内, 同学们应该好好珍惜并善用这幢汇聚华社心血的校舍,让它成为学子们求知 的殿堂。校方与教师更是 任重道远,要好好利用宏愿楼的设备来贯彻本校的教育理念, 让它成为荟萃 人才的园地。 宏愿楼 拥有现代化、科学化及多元化、科学化及多元化的教育设备, 例如现代化的图书馆、供研究之用的天文台以及具多元媒体功能的课室讲堂等, 是具备良好教育条件的求学环境。 虽然在本届的毕业生当中, 可能有一部分 的人没有机会好好享用宏愿楼的设备, 但你们有机会参与这极具纪念意义的盛事 , 共同见证本校开展新的里程碑,将是你们往后最珍贵的记忆!
有鉴于本校近年来在各方面都有卓越 的表现, 社会人士对本校的期望很高, 因此恒中师生不可懈怠, 要精益求精, 往更高峰冲刺! 校方除了将继续加强纪律管理及学术教育, 也将继续沿用并贯彻人文教育与思想教育政策, 与此同时朝科学研究与技职训练两方面发展。建立天文台是本校引领学生走向科研的第一步,接下来会继续强化各科学团体的活动, 激发学生对科学研究的兴趣, 为国家培育更多优秀的科学人才。 本校为鼓励学术表现不太理想的学生掌握技职谋生能力, 也会积极推动各项技职 训练的活动, 如加强师资 与 举办各类活动, 让他们在毕业后可以于服务行业或工艺领域创出自己的一片春天。
毕业不意味终止学习, 同学们应该好好把握恒毅所提供的学习与成长机会, 不断充实自己, 自我增值, 强化能力, 准备迎接瞬息万变的时代。 此外,同学们需要建立良好及宽广的人际网络, 善用所学,发挥所长,秉持恒毅精神, 贯彻恒毅宏愿, 为自己打造璀璨的未来。 往后学有所成, 别忘了回馈母校的培育之恩,造福社会!
2011年, 本校的表演艺术团体不断在国际舞台上创下佳绩, 荣获许多国际大奖及荣誉, 如合唱团远赴台湾参加第二届台湾国际合唱节"东方歌韵IV"比赛获得将金奖及最具潜力合唱团奖;舞蹈团在泰国曼谷举行的第 三届中国-东门青少年舞蹈交流展演中荣获金奖; 华乐团于中国上海音乐学院实验学校缔结友好学校等。 其他团体学会也不遑多让, 纷纷在全国与全槟赛事中交出漂亮的成绩单。 为了进一步达致"也会逐步引领制服团体走向世界, 让更多的团体能尽快与世界接轨, 让恒中有朝一日能跻身世界顶尖学府行列,校誉远扬四海!
Message from the Principal ~ Mr Goh Boon Poh
What a privilege it is for me to have this opportunity to record my thoughts, views and aspirations in this year's school web! I am both proud and humbled to that my message for this year's web incorporates my expression of gratitude, joy and some words of advice and guidance for the future for all quarters involved. With 2100 drawing to a close, once again we reflect on our achievements with pride and at the same time look forward to the coming year with excitement and anticipation. The past ten months have been an eventful period for all of us at Heng Ee High School. We celebrated the Heng Ee Schools' 55th Anniversary, an anniversary that captured 55 glorious years of history and the grand opening of Bangunan Wawasan with much pomp and ceremony. We rejoiced in our students' creditable academic achievements in the 2010's PMR, SPM and STPM examinations and we also basked in delight in our students' outstanding performance in international competitions. And on a more serious note, especially to our fifth and sixth formers who are graduating this year, we say our goodbyes to you and we wish you all the best as you embark on the next lap of your journey.
Indeed we will remember 2011 as the year of many changes and the year that provides us with the opportunity to record the many high points we have achieved in the fields that we participated in. To dream big and to fulfill our need for excellence in education, we need to commit ourselves to change and to constantly and adequately prepare ourselves to meet future challenges. Needless to say, we have to stay true to the school's vision and mission, for the hallmarks of the Heng Ee High School experience and culture are encapsulated in its vision and mission!
Understanding the School's Vision and Mission
Let us be aware that the pursuit of excellence should not just be a pursuit for its own sake. We should remind ourselves that excellence in education does not only encompass the deep commitment to change, it also includes an even deeper commitment to grow. In order to change and grow, we have to move towards a curriculum that is enriched both in depth and breadth and that caters no only for the academically inclined students to focus on science and technology, but also for the less academically inclined students to develop creativity and thinking skills so as to prepare them for a more productive participation in the service related fields.
We, therefore encourage our students to seize the opportunities Heng Ee High School has created for them to learn, grow and explore avenues to expend their energy and develop their talents fruitfully in all aspects. And to keep true to the school's vision and mission, we have to ensure that the learning environment is both conducive and supportive so as to prepare our students to venture beyond their current boundaries and handle global challenges with gusto. Our students need to develop their interests, passion and strengths and learn to adapt to worldwide trends and changes. More importantly, they need to learn how to lead with confidence and serve with humility and be global citizens who can have a stronger grasp and a deeper understanding of the world and the lives of others around them.
Where We Are Heading
The newly built Bangunan Wawasan is the epitome of a positive and supportive learning environment that addresses the educational needs of the students of Heng Ee High School. The building is well equipped with the necessary infrastructure and ICT facilities that provide students with opportunities to learn and groom themselves for a better future. We are therefore grateful to the School Board of Directors, the Parent-Teacher Association and the Heng Ee High School Alumni Association for the time, efforts and financial backing provided to ensure that our students are given the best foundation in education.
Apart from the exponential increase in the school's physical outlook and facilities, Heng Ee High School has also been accorded with pride and glory by its six performing arts bodies, namely the School Choir, Chinese Orchestra, Symphony Band, Harmonica Band, Drama Club and the Chinese Cultural dance Troupe through their outstanding performance in competitions both on the home front and on foreign grounds.
The trip to Shanghai for a musical exchange programme between our Chinese Orchestra and both the Experimental School of Shanghai Conservatory of Music and the Nanjing Arts Institute om June, the School Choir's participation in the Oriental Concentus IV choral competition in Taiwan in July which won us two awards and the Chinese Cultural Dance troupe's participation in an international dance competition in Bangkok in August, have all augured well and have also proven that with dedication, commitment and hard work, we are not only capable and versatile enough to perform excellently in global and cross-cultural environments but are also capable of actualising our school vision of Local Roots Global Outlook! And to add essence to the impact, we have helped put both Penang and Malaysia on the map!
What The Future Holds
I need our students to know that excellence is not only reflected in the measures of academic achievement, it is also reflected in the school's discipline, co-curricular activities and how students conduct themselves. Therefore to progress and prosper, Heng Ee High School students should learn to promote goodwill and foster comradeship with a wide spectrum of people. They should also utilise their skills and attributes to make a positive difference in their lives and their family's and also be the pillar of strength for the society and country.
Clearly, Heng Ee High School has made many impressive strides since its early days and for the success and remarkable growth that Heng Ee High School has attained, we attribute it to the efforts, dedication and commitment of our hard-working stakeholders, a dedicated staff, a body of supportive parents and students and the Chinese community. It is through the synergy of all quarters that Heng Ee High School has scaled the heights of success and become a household name.
The recent grand opening of Bangunan Wawasan has not only charted a new course of the school history but has also raised the expectations the public has of Heng Ee High School in enhancing student learning. We are therefore grateful to the School Board of Directors, the Parent-Teacher Association, the ex-students of the school, teachers, parents, students and the Chinese community for the unwavering support, the generous donations and the willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty to work together to make the construction of Bangunan Wawasan possible. To all quarters involved, permit me to wish you good health, good luck and every success in all your future undertakings!