今天是阳历 2024 年 06 月 01 日 星期六 农历 四月月 廿五日


13/11/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
本校少狮会于11月10日在三德中学礼堂举办这项交流会。这项交流会是为了让学生们知道父母的重要性。此外,舞蹈学会和太极组也在这项交流会分别呈现了舞蹈和太极表演。王明谊报道 [Read More 更多 ]
13/11/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
彭校长希望中五和中六生年在这个星期和下星期举办的SPM和STPM考试全力以赴,考取佳绩。彭校长也透露目前我校已筹获17万令吉的建校基金,成绩令人鼓舞。王明谊报道 [Read More 更多 ]
09/11/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
三德校友会将于2007年11月9日在新利口福酒楼举办慈善晚宴,目的是为本校筹募建校基金。此慈善晚宴公开给本校的家教协会成员,有兴趣者请联络校方。王明谊报道 [Read More 更多 ]
09/11/2007 • CHAI KOK LENG • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
STOBA (Sam Tet Old Boys Association) would be organising a charity dinner in Sun Lee How Fok Restaurant this coming Friday (9/11/2007). The purpose for this dinner is to raise funds for building the school. The dinner is opened to all the members of the school's Parents and Teachers... [Read More 更多 ]
07/11/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
彭校长呼吁学生们上网检查各自的课外活动分数以免出现任何评估错误。同时,本校迎来两位新老师,他们是西缔小姐和陈先生。王明谊报道 [Read More 更多 ]
The 48th Upper Secondary and 36th Pre-University Class Graduation Ceremony (6/11/2007)  
07/11/2007 • CHAI KOK LENG • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
The graduation ceremony was held on 6th of November,2007 at 10.00am in our school hall. The national anthem and the school somg was sung after the students and the guests settled down. After that, our school self-defense group gave a drum-beating performance. This was followed by speeches... [Read More 更多 ]
Monday Assembly(29/10/2007) 
01/11/2007 • CHAI KOK LENG • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
Mr. Hee, the senior assistant, announced that we managed to raise RM169000.00 from the jogathon. This amount of money will be used to air-condition the Bro John Moh Hall. In order to raise more funds, our school will be organising a charity concert in Sun Lee Haw Fok restaurant on 17th of... [Read More 更多 ]
29/10/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
许副校长宣布我校在义跑活动中筹获16万9千令吉,而这笔义款将用在礼堂的安装冷气计划。为了筹获更多义款,我校将于11月7日在新利口福酒楼举办慈善晚宴。王明谊报道 [Read More 更多 ]
29/10/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
本校华文学会于9月17日举行了一项校内书法比赛。比赛时间是下午二时至三时。比赛成绩如下: 中楷比赛 甲组(中三,中四,中五,中六)冠军:杨铭杰(4S1)亚军:杨茗耀(3C1)季军:陈心颍(L6F2)优等奖:庄道帧〔4S1〕,许美彬〔L6F4〕乙组(预备班,中一,中二〕冠军:黄迪绅(2S)亚军:叶启彦(1S)季军:刘政升(1M)优等奖:刘敬明(1L),黄兆亮(1S) 王明谊报道  [Read More 更多 ]
A Visit From The Prime Minister, Dato Seri Abdullah Badawi 
29/10/2007 • CHAI KOK LENG • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
Dato Seri Abdullah Badawi, paid a visit to our school, SMJK Sam Tet, Ipoh on the 23rd of October,2007. At about 2.30 pm, the school board played a few songs to welcome the prime minister into the school hall. down the aisle and towars the stage, wishing to be able to shake hands with the... [Read More 更多 ]
29/10/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
中国书法是传统的民族艺术,其形式多样,内容丰富,技法多变,具有独特的审美价值和艺术价值,因此,它是中华文化的瑰宝之一。为了传承如此美妙的文化,三德国中华文学会于2007年7月30日举办了一项华文硬笔字比赛。�... [Read More 更多 ]
Sam Tet School Jogathon 2007 
29/10/2007 • CHAI KOK LENG • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
Our school organised a jogathon at Polo Ground on the 20th of October 2007. The purpose is to collect funds for the primary and secondary school. The chairman of the school board, Rev. Bro. Micheal Cheah gave a speech at 7.45am and conducted the opening ceremony. After that, Mr... [Read More 更多 ]
29/10/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
本校華文學會于8月13日舉辦了一 場華文作文比賽.此項比賽只公開予本校學生參與.這場華文作文比賽共分為三組,甲組為中一和中二生,乙組為中三和中四生,丙組為中五和中六生。比赛成绩如下:甲组(中五,中六)冠军:叶健杰(5S4)亚军:黄伟康(5S2)季军:周永康(5S4〕优等奖:张松宇〔L6B2〕,祝伟杰〔L6F2〕乙组(中三,中四〕冠军:黄炜豪(3C1)亚军:刘学铭(4S2)季军:黎家垠(4S2)优等奖:练俊镒(3C1),简仲康(3C4)丙组(预备班,中一,中二)冠军:刘致汇(1S)亚军:黎适吾(2A)季军:梁文俊(1S)优等奖:刘敬明(1L),周俊年(1M)王明谊报道 [Read More 更多 ]
28/10/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
为了筹募三德中小学扩建基金,三德中小学于10月27日在苏丹阿都拉兹休闲公园举办2007年度义跑。... [Read More 更多 ]
24/10/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
我国首相拿督斯里阿都拉在官访怡保时到访本校。首相是在夫人拿汀珍阿都拉、马华总会长黄家定和霹雳州务大臣拿督斯里达祖的陪同下于下午三时莅临本校。他们的到来受到师生们的热烈欢迎。... [Read More 更多 ]
Our Story Our Memory" Sixth Form Graduation Night 
24/10/2007 • CHAI KOK LENG • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
The Sixth Form Night was held on the 12th of October 2007 in Hee Lai Ton restaurant, from 6.00pm to 10.30pm. The event began with the speeches from our principal, Mr Phang Yoon Ming, the Sixth Form Society 2006/2007 president, Mr Ho Hee Keong and thr Sixth Form Society 2007/2008 president,... [Read More 更多 ]
Monday School Assembly(8/10/2007) 
10/10/2007 • CHAI KOK LENG • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
Today is the oath recital for the leaders of Sam Tet. The leaders participating in this event are the USST exco, thr prefects, the class monitors and the librarians. The ping pong club also donated RM500 to the scholl for the Jogathon.Posted by,Goh Siew Peng  [Read More 更多 ]
Mid_Autumn Festival (6/10/2007) 
10/10/2007 • CHAI KOK LENG • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
The mid-autumn festival was organised by the chinese language society, the malay language society , the anti-crime society and YCSM. THe mid-autumn festival was organised on 6th of October, 2007, in the school canteen. THe celebration started at 7.30pm. Firstly, the teacher advisor... [Read More 更多 ]
Monday Assembly(08/10/2007) 
09/10/2007 • CHAI KOK LENG • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
學 長,USST委員,圖書館理員以及班長們在周會上宣誓,象征他們會盡力和盡責地為學校服務. 乒乓學會捐獻500令吉,以幫助本校的籌募計劃早日完成.Posted by,Goh Siew Peng  [Read More 更多 ]
09/10/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
今天是三德中学学生领袖的宣誓仪式。参与宣誓仪式的学生领袖包括学长团、图书馆管理员和三德团体联合会的执委。 此外, 本校的乒乓学会捐献RM500予义跑筹款活动。王明谊报道 [Read More 更多 ]
08/10/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
此中秋节晚会由本校华文学会主办,马来文学会、防止犯罪学会学会及YCSM协办。 中秋节晚会于10月6日举办,地点是在学校食堂。中秋节晚会于晚上7时30分开始。首先由华文学会顾问老师蒙启明老师致词。接着是来自音乐学会的歌艺表演。出席者也可以在就餐时点歌。然后是猜灯谜环节。晚餐的尾段是幸运抽奖环节。中秋节晚会于晚上9时许结束。王明谊报道 [Read More 更多 ]
Monday Assembly(1/10/07) 
03/10/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
The collection for the Jogathon funds will be postponed from 2nd of October to 10th of October. The jogathon would be held on 27th of October. Form 3 and form 4 students are to clock in using the card reader in front of the prefects’ room while form 5 and form 6 students are to... [Read More 更多 ]
03/10/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
本校的第三次义跑筹款收集日将从原本的 10月2日延迟至10月10日, 而义跑的日期则保持在10月27日。每天上学报到时, 中三、中四生必须使用学长室外的读卡器来扫描学生卡, 而中五中六生必须使用办公室外的读卡器来扫描学生卡。 学校接获一千三百八十八令吉的捐款。王明谊报道  [Read More 更多 ]
Education Fair 
27/09/2007 • CHAI KOK LENG • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
The school Counselling Club organised an education fair in the school hall onh 26th of September. They invited over 30 higher learning institutes to this fair. The purpose of this education fair is to let students get to know the criteria for higher learning, scholarship and the... [Read More 更多 ]
27/09/2007 • YEONG CHEE PUN • Filed Under 文件存於 Sam Tet • SMJK SAM TET 怡保三德国民型中学
本校辅导学会于9月26日在本校礼堂举办了一场教育展览会。此教育展览会邀请了30逾家学院、大学和教育中心参与, 绝对是本区域的大型教育展览会。 这项教育展览会的目的是让学生们获得更多关于文凭和学士课程、 奖学金与贷款和学院的软硬体设备的资料使学生们清楚中五或中六毕业后的升学管道. [Read More 更多 ]

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