
Pengumuman 公告
11 Mar 2009 School Admin 


古晋中学作为本市一间以华,国,英三语并重的国民型中学,因其逾70年的旧木板校舍经历史变迁,无情岁月的蛀蚀与摧残, 2008年12月2日又遭大火洗劫,全校陷入教室及设备严重不敷之困境,也使重建晋中成了一件刻不容缓的工作。


鉴于重建经费庞大,除了晋中校董会的90万令吉拨款外,我们仍缺少550万,目前我们正向联邦教育部申请援助,但是,我们仍需要大家对晋中的共同关怀,爱护,付出和热心捐助, 以确保重建计划的成功。




让我们大家心手相连,协力合作,共同实现“万众一心,重建晋中” 的目标。


Kuching High School is a renowned school in Kuching. The wooden school blocks built some 70 years ago have experienced much wear and tear and were further razed by fire on 2nd December 2008. An urgent rebuilding is required to restore the school’s essential facilities.

As a government-aided school, the administrative cost is funded by the government whereas the development and maintenance of buildings are provided by the School Board of Management.

The rebuilding project is a difficult task and incurs heavy cost. The School Board of Management has allocated a sum of RM900,000 for the project, there is still a shortfall of RM5.5 million. We have appealed to the Ministry of Education for grant; however, your care, support and contributions are vital to the success of this rebuilding project.

The Kuching High Rebuilding Committee was formed on 6th January 2009 with appointed members from ex-Highians, PIBG, Kuching High School Board of Management, Kuching Teochew Association and concerned individuals. The mission is to rebuild Kuching High School.

Together, we pledge to commit ourselves with the highest spirit of voluntarism, strong determination and perseverance, to strategise and to raise fund towards accomplishing this noble mission.

During this crucial time, your support and contributions are most needed.

In appreciation of our beloved school, let’s rebuild Kuching High together for a glorious future of our children.

Thank You.


  Dear All


A fire on 2nd December 2008 razed the school's Administrative Block and Junior Science Block which also housed the rooms for uniform groups. Apart from the concrete blocks, Block 6 & 7, Block 2 has been certified "unsafe for occupancy" and Block 1 and 3 are of wooden structure which are almost 70 years old and require urgent rebuilding.

For the past 45 years, Kuching High School has provided secondary education for some 10,000 children for over 5,000 parents. They were nurtured under Chinese culture and well educated in Bahasa Malaysia and English which meet the needs of the nation and society. In the next 45 years or so, we will certainly continue to send our future generations to Kuching High School. The school is located in the hub of the city, it has excellent teaching staff, excellent trilingual curriculum and school fees are subsidised by the government; only the land and buildings are provided by the community. The rebuilding cost is a burdening sum, and your immediate help is most urgent.

The Kuching High Rebuilding committee was officially formed on 6th January 2009, comprising members from.the Ex-highians association, PIBG, Teochew association and the school board of management. The mission of the Kuching High Rebuilding Committee is to develop the master plan for the school with the limited area space, and to rebuild the school blocks in stages in accordance with the fund available.

Kuching High Rebuilding Committee cordially invites you to be part of our fund raising sub-committee, and to attend a briefing on Friday, 13th March 2009 at 7:30pm at the multi-purpose of SMK Kuching High. Please bring along other ex-highians and friends as well. Together we shall pull resources together and with the concerted effort of all, we rebuild Kuching High for our future generations.

For Contact: email: [email protected]    Tel: 082-242457    Fax: 082-423508


See You There!


Yours sincerely




Kuching High Rebuilding Committee


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